Get A Fit Body

Get A Fit Body

Well !! Being fit and then having mascular as well as good looking physique is everyone's dream.

But it takes time as well as constant efforts to achieve this.

The things that I have practiced and implented gave me fruitful results are:-

1 Running:-

I started running first in the evening and the only motto was to reduce weight little bit as I was 80kg at that time. In the starting I could run a maximum of 1 km that too in about ten minutes. It was painful too as usually it happens when we start doing any physical activity. I continued with a firm belief that I am doing well and will do better on the coming days.

I started running in the morning too and continued in the evening as well for some weeks then checked the weight it was 72 (after 3 months).

Now I wake up early without any alarm before 5 and have started gym as my body has become fat free fully (weight 64 now) and I want to build muscle size.

In the evening I go to gym and in the morning for running.

Now I run for 20 minutes and complete a distance of 4.5 kms in this time.

I feel confident and energetic the whole day.

Guys start doing once only.

I can assure you the confidence would come to you from your routine. If I can do you can do easily.

2. Water Intake:-

Drink water in the morning and that too should be Luke warm.

During the day drink water as much as you can.

Buy one litre water bottle and finish it within one hour sip by sip don't gulp the whole in one go. Water also reduces the fat as well as prevents the further doposition of the fat.

I drink at least 5 litre everyday.

3. Avoid fast food:-

Say no to fast food. NO MEANS NOT EVEN A SINGLE DAY. In the starting it's extremely difficult as we think that we can't survive without fast food but once your start loving your body and continue to work our then you will hate fast food.

I am not eating fast food since past few weeks

4. Food selection:-

Start taking more proteinous food.In the morning I take Grams and green grams as breakfast.You can also start the same as this becomes healthy breakfast and keeps the body energetic till the lunch time.

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